Senior Activities within Residential Assisted Living

By Gene Guarino

Seniors may be starting to slow down, but it’s just as important for them as it is for you to stay active! They need to move and be engaged to stay healthy and happy. The types of activities seniors can do come in two main categories: the mind and the body.

hand-3672941_1280Activities that engage the mind are ones that offer seniors social, spiritual or intellectual interaction, with themselves and with others. Activities that engage the body are physical ones, exercises that get the senior up and moving around. Having both kinds of activities is incredibly important for healthy aging. Here’s a quick look at some types of activities in each category.

rollator-2298056_1280Body Mobility is one of the biggest issues that seniors face when participating in body activities. There are just certain things that seniors are unable to do, and these limits vary between people. One person may be able to get around with a cane, while another needs a walker and a third uses a wheelchair. All three of them need to exercise and move their bodies. They can all do activities, just at different levels. Physical activities are important because they improve balance, strengthen muscles, and stimulate blood flow – all important things for a senior! These seniors may not start out with much endurance, being able to only do five minutes a day, but with consistency they will gain endurance. A senior can build up endurance to participate in body activities from 5 minutes to 10 to 30 and even higher, it just takes working a little bit every day.

man-4229198_1280Mind Stimulating the minds of seniors is equally as important to their health as moving their bodies. There are many activities that any senior can do to engage their own mind as well as those around them. Art therapy is incredibly popular, especially with colorful and tactile projects. Crafting and arts can help improve seniors’ mood, dexterity and focus. Another great activity is to read a book aloud for the seniors or have them listen to audiobooks. Listening to a story really allows them a chance use their mind. Playing games is something everyone can enjoy! Some of the most popular games among seniors include classic board games like checkers, chess, and parcheesi or popular card games like spades, rummy, and canasta. Activities like games that engage the whole group make for some real stimulating fun. One of the best and most effortless ways to mentally engage a senior is to play music from their generation, from when they were teenagers. It really helps bring clarity and spark memories from their youth, and has even been shown to help those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. An active senior is one who is being stimulated physically and mentally on a regular basis through exercising, creative activities and social interaction. Consistent mind and body activities can really help improve mood, focus, dexterity, mobility, flexibility, endurance and so much more! Keeping active as a senior is vital to leading a happy and healthy life.

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Gene Guarino
Residential Assisted Living Academy™

Gene is the President, CEO & Founder of Gene has over 30 years experience in real estate investing and business. Today, Gene is focused on just one thing… investing in the mega-trend of senior assisted housing. He has trained thousands of investors/entrepreneurs throughout the United States how to invest in and operate residential assisted living homes. For over 25 years he has been educating people on the strategies of successful investing, business and self-employment. He now specializes in helping others take advantage of this mega-trend opportunity.


Transforming Your Home Into Senior Housing

By Gene Guarino

What exactly is senior housing?

Senior housing can be anything from independent living to assisted living or even memory care or a SNF (skilled nursing facility) . For independent living, it is a home that would be considered “senior safe” with grab bars, smoke detectors, wider doors and the like. To really make it safe you would potentially remove the obvious trip hazards of uneven floors and small steps or transitions within the home. There maybe safety features like smoke detectors or cameras within the house, being monitored by an outside service. It could even include fire suppression. All of those things are potentially a part of providing safe senior housing.

What is Independent living?

From the real estate perspective, Independent living is providing a home that is “senior safe”. That may mean grab bars, smoke detectors, wider doors, trip hazards removed. Think about the “Golden Girls” The TV show from the 80s. The home itself may have 3 or four bedrooms with 3 or 4 or more people living there. If you have a home right now that is on a single level that could be converted to four bedrooms with at least two bathrooms, so there’s two people to a bathroom or maybe you add some extra bathrooms. That could be a good transformation or conversion from your current home into “Golden Girl” style senior housing.

smoke-315874_1280In that golden girls or golden boys model, the rent that you’re charging can be anything that you want of course but it’s higher than normal rent. That is because you’re including things like utilities, upkeep on the house, maintenance. Now imagine if instead of renting the house for $1,200 or $1,500 a month, you are renting each bedroom for $1,000 a month and it includes all of those things. That is $4,000 instead of $1,500. Even with the utilities accounted for you are potentially netting an additional $2,000 a month. So a senior wouldn’t have to worry about the upkeep and the uncertainty of the maintenance on the house. Even the utilities become a fixed cost because its included in the rent. They can be confident that all of their housing expenses are taken care of. Now they can just call a number and somebody comes and fixes whatever is needed. Peace of mind knowing that their housing is taken care of is very important to seniors.

What is Assisted Living?

No one moves into Assisted Living unless they need assistance. People that needed some help or assistance with 2 or more “Activities of Daily Living” or ADLs, would be the market for a AL Home. There is 24/7 care provided by properly trained caregivers. These are not nurses and doctors but rather people that are trained to help seniors and assisted them with their ADLs.

hospice-1902144_1280In residential assisted living we have residents not tenants. They pay a monthly fee for the care they receive and they are provided with a place to live but they are not tenants paying rent. Assisted Living means there’s going to be caregivers there. They’re not necessarily living in the house with them as live in caregivers though. If the caregivers are living there as “live in” caregivers, there might be a room that’s designated for the caregivers. But the conversion itself is fairly similar to Independent Living. The home needs to be “senior safe” but not ADA compliant. There may be a few more requirements to make sure it’s appropriate for assisted living.

Transforming your home into senior housing, whether it be golden girls and golden boys, or whether it be assisted living and all of the benefits that come with that, is an option that create tremendous cash flow. Being in a location that is close to things like Libraries, grocery shopping, movies and those kinds of things are more important for independent living, golden girls, golden boys, than it is assisted living. In Assisted living they’re going to be in the home, and their families visit them there.

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Gene Guarino
Residential Assisted Living Academy™

Gene is the President, CEO & Founder of Gene has over 30 years experience in real estate investing and business. Today, Gene is focused on just one thing… investing in the mega-trend of senior assisted housing. He has trained thousands of investors/entrepreneurs throughout the United States how to invest in and operate residential assisted living homes. For over 25 years he has been educating people on the strategies of successful investing, business and self-employment. He now specializes in helping others take advantage of this mega-trend opportunity.


Making Money Or Helping People – Do You Have To Choose?

By Gene Guarino

Can I do a RAL home as a business?

20 years ago, when I first heard about assisted living, I learned about the silver tsunami that was coming. Because when you think about it, the baby boomers have been driving our economy for decades and decades. The next move in our economy is in, taking care of seniors, those that need the help, that are aging in place and getting older every single day. It is the fastest growing demographic in the US and throughout the world.

tree-97986_1280When I 1st heard about the opportunity in the aging of the baby boomers, they were sharing it from the business perspective. I wanted to learn more but there was nobody willing and able to show me how it’s done. Six years ago, when the real estate market had virtually crashed all over the country, I said, “now is the time to get in.” But when it comes to the real estate part of the RAL home, it’s just bricks and sticks. You can fix it, flip it, buy it, hold it and rent it. That just feels kind of cold and meaningless. My next thought was “is there more of a personal side to this?” I was really looking for something besides the money that could be made.

What if taking care of people is my priority?

Taking care of the elderly could be your priority or focus in life. They are the greatest generation, and they need help with the transition. It’s more than that though, it’s personal. It’s your mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa too. It gets emotional for many people.

hospice-1821429_1280Make sure that your heart and your eyes and your focus are in the proper balance. You have to take care of business, but you also must have a heart. We’re taking care of people, but it’s okay to make money. This isn’t a charity and it’s a not a nonprofit.

You can help people and make money at the same time!

Making money is why we do it, but we can choose to do it in a way where we can make money and help people. The more money you make, the more you can give and it flows through you, the faster it comes.

Many of you would like to help more charities or provide more support for other people. If you need money, we can show you how to do that and if you want to help other people, you know you can do that as well through residential assisted living.

You can have the best of both worlds and take care of your own family.

couple-4871069_1280We are all getting older and have parents or people who are older than us. Eventually, somebody is going to need to take care of them. So on one side, you can start your own home so that they can move in and live for free. Or you can move them in and you can charge them whatever it is that they can afford and that you are willing to accept.

You see, it’s about the care. You want to take care of them. You want to have a little bit of control over the caregivers and managers, but not be the caregiver or manager. So by owning the Residential Assisted Living home, you can have that control, and you can help them do good and do well. It is truly the best of both worlds. Making money and helping others.

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Gene Guarino
Residential Assisted Living Academy™

Gene is the President, CEO & Founder of Gene has over 30 years experience in real estate investing and business. Today, Gene is focused on just one thing… investing in the mega-trend of senior assisted housing. He has trained thousands of investors/entrepreneurs throughout the United States how to invest in and operate residential assisted living homes. For over 25 years he has been educating people on the strategies of successful investing, business and self-employment. He now specializes in helping others take advantage of this mega-trend opportunity.


Is Assisted Living the Business for You?

By Gene Guarino

Can you start an Assisted Living Business?

A lot of people say, “I’ve never started a business before. I’ve never done anything like what you’ve done. Can I do it?” I want you to think about where you’re at today. Some of you are at a point in your life where you’re just going through the paces. You’re not quite sure what you really want or how to get out of the rat race, but you’re saying you want more. You’re afraid to start something new. I’m guessing that some of you are thinking there’s a lot of risks if you start something. I’m safer if I just stay where I’m at if I just keep working for the company if I just keep doing what I’m doing. I want to blow that up with you just a little bit right here.

business-3080028_1280Are you afraid to start a business?

I know some of you are afraid of starting a business. It’s unknown. You’ve not done it before. You are scared because you could lose money. You should be more afraid of losing time. Money can be replaced, but what you can’t replace is your time. And every day you put off doing something more or better, is a day that you’ll never get back. So I want you to dig in and think about what is it you really want. If you want help in getting to that future, I can help you. You don’t have to do it on your own. I’m willing to show you how.

How can the RAL Academy help?

survival-3580200_1280The Residential Assisted Living (RAL) Academy is all about teaching people how to do this. We come together and we help each other in this. I’ve done it before and I’m willing to show you how, but this idea of “I’m here and I want to get there”, That’s a big gap. Let me hold your hand and walk you through. Some of you are afraid to ask for that help and yet here I am offering that help. I’m here for you. I can’t help you with everything but I definitely can help you with starting a business, doing something new, senior housing, raising capital, all of those elements that it takes. What we do is bring it all together so that you can do it better, faster and easier.

What is your motivation?

You have to really think about why you do what you do. If you’re all about the money and the Glitz and the glamour, someday that’s going to wear out. The shine is going to dull. The excitement’s going to go away. Ultimately, what is it you really want? What you really want is likely to have people that love you all around you. You want to have the ability to share with other people what you have, not just your money and your things, but your knowledge, your passion, your encouragement. I can’t make you do it, but I can encourage you. I can give you the information, but again, I’m not going to make you do it. It’s who we are and what we leave behind, the legacy, family, and friends, those people, the what we do and the why we do it.

Be sure to subscribe to our iTunes podcast to listen on the go! [CLICK HERE]


Gene Guarino
Residential Assisted Living Academy™

Gene is the President, CEO & Founder of Gene has over 30 years experience in real estate investing and business. Today, Gene is focused on just one thing… investing in the mega-trend of senior assisted housing. He has trained thousands of investors/entrepreneurs throughout the United States how to invest in and operate residential assisted living homes. For over 25 years he has been educating people on the strategies of successful investing, business and self-employment. He now specializes in helping others take advantage of this mega-trend opportunity.


3 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting In Assisted Living

By Gene Guarino

I’m going to suggest three things to you, and if you do them, you can experience tremendous success in Residential Assisted Living.

Number 1: Learn from others.

training-3185170_1280Learn from other people’s challenges, successes, and failures. Learn from other people’s mistakes whenever possible. Learn from somebody who’s actually doing what you are trying to do, not from people that just talk about it. When I share with you on RAL it is from my hard earned experience. Learning from my experience is a lot easier than learning it all on your own. Listening carefully when I say “here’s what I did that worked” and “here’s what I did that didn’t work,” If you do listen and learn from other people’s experience you would be very smart to take advantage of that knowledge and experience.

The most expensive lessons in life come from the experience that we gain when we say, I will do it myself. Many times we end up saying “I wish I knew that before I started.” You may be thinking that you’ll be saving yourself some money in the short term, but if you save yourself weeks or months or years that will be much more valuable than the small amount you may save in the short term. Saving time is even more valuable than saving money.

Experience is the result of taking action. Good or bad, lesson learned or lesson ignored, the result is experience. The experience we gain may show us what to avoid, or how to better respond to a specific challenge. If you’ve decided to learn from others whenever possible to help you avoid some of the negative experiences, that is well worth the effort. Simply learning from somebody who’s done it before, who has faced it before and is willing and able to show you how to do it in advance, can save you from having to experience the mistakes that you could have avoided. It is always best to learn from other people’s experience whenever possible.

Number 2: Have systems in place.

manual-3684460_1280When you have a business, you typically have standard operating procedures, SOPs. In Residential Assisted Living, the SOPs are commonly known as “policies and procedures.” It covers everything from bringing somebody into the home, medication management, menus, scheduling of the caregivers, record keeping and everything in between. Even checking a resident out of the home.

All of those policies and procedures are laid out clearly and are the guide for a smoothly running home. It is the systems for everything, “if this… then that.” It could be things like, if there’s a storm that causes the house to be uninhabitable, what is the system in place to be able to move the residents to another home? Where do they go? How do we get them there? What happens if the electricity goes out and the food in the refrigerator goes bad? Is there backup food and water? The policies and procedures and the standard operating procedures are the systems that we have in place to operate this business.

Number 3: Have a backup plan.

planning-620299_1280The third one is to have backup plans. If we have a system we can see what is going right, but when something doesn’t go right what’s the backup plan? What’s the plan B and C and D? We’re going to have a plan, “here’s what we do” in every situation. If this doesn’t work, then this is what we do next. How are we going to do this if we can’t get it done that way? If you have systems in place and you have the backup redundancy, you can pretty much handle anything that comes your way in Residential Assisted Living or virtually anything that you do.

You can also subscribe to our iTunes for on the go listening:


Gene Guarino
Residential Assisted Living Academy™

Gene is the President, CEO & Founder of Gene has over 30 years experience in real estate investing and business. Today, Gene is focused on just one thing… investing in the mega-trend of senior assisted housing. He has trained thousands of investors/entrepreneurs throughout the United States how to invest in and operate residential assisted living homes. For over 25 years he has been educating people on the strategies of successful investing, business and self-employment. He now specializes in helping others take advantage of this mega-trend opportunity.

Breaking News: This Week’s Historic Stock Surge Calms Investors

By Stephanie Mojica

After weeks of bad news, there is plenty of good news for real estate investors and realtors alike. On Wednesday, March 25, U.S. President Donald J. Trump as well as Senate and Congressional leaders reached an agreement on a $2 trillion stimulus package to hopefully stave off any recession due to the myriad problems caused by COVID-19.

economy-3972328_1280The day before, Dow had its best day since 1933, according to The Los Angeles Times. Dow’s index increased by 11.4%.

Standard & Poor leaped 9.4%, which was the third-best day for gains since the 1940s. Because Standard & Poor is particularly important for 401(k)s, which impact an estimated 50% of American workers, according to CNBC.

Nasdaq jumped 8.1% as well.

According to Forbes, the unprecedented stimulus package will do the following:

• send $1,200 checks to most Americans;
• increase unemployment insurance benefits;
• set up a $500 billion loan program for small businesses in trouble;
• provide $130 billion for hospitals;
• inject $150 billion into state and local stimulus funds;
• loan $50 billion to affected airlines; and
• create a $500 billion fund for industries, cities, and states.

wall-street-4847634_1280Yesterday’s latest statement from President Trump indicates he set Easter as an optimistic date for businesses to resume to full operation. These positive signs from Wall Street and the executive branch are increasing investor confidence in both the stock and real estate markets.

OH WOW! From Hoard To Restored

By Holly Lynn

Go From Hoard To Restored With These Easy Tips

With spring upon us; along with tulips, allergies, and warmer weather, is the dreaded spring cleaning. It’s time to scrub, disinfect, and purge.

It’s an opportunity to prepare for the year ahead and lighten up the heaviness that too many Christmas gifts and accumulation of junk from the previous year.

With these simple tips, you can go from gatherer to minimalist in no time.

Make a plan of action.

idea-1855598_1280As with any project, a good plan of action is a good idea. If you want to get organized you have to organize your thinking.

Go from room to room and write down what needs to be done overall. Then make subcategories for each room. For example the kitchen. Write down everything that has to be done. Then in the subcategories write down the freezer, pantry, cupboards, etc. Next to each item write if you are keeping, donating, trashing, or recycling/upcycling, or selling.

You can find many helpful lists on Pinterest or just Google it.

Donate to charitable thrift shops.

Donating to charity feels good! It’s a way to give your stuff away to a good cause. Only donate items that are in good condition, unsoiled, and mark-free. There are many places that will take your belongings. Some will even pick up your donations, depending on location.

donate-654328_1280The Salvation Army has been around for almost 155 years. Donations fund a myriad of programs aimed at assisting people. The non-profit organization sponsors rehabilitation, financial aid, disaster relief, elderly services, youth camps, etc. Check the website for pick up availability in your area.

Goodwill is a for-profit charitable organization that uses funds to assist with job placement and employment services. Pickup service is available in some areas.

Hospice provides quality, palliative care for terminally- ill persons who have less than six months to live. They focus on comfort care rather than life-saving measures. They also provide other services such as family support services, financial assistance, etc.

AMVETS thrift stores’ goal is to provide veterans with extending services such as V.A health, scholarships for education, youth services, entertainment abroad, etc.

There are many more thrift stores that are willing to accept your donations.

Make money

Another way to rid yourself of excess stuff is to bulk up your piggy bank by selling your items. There are the old-fashioned methods of yard sales and garage sales, but in this day and age, the internet has many websites or apps that can make selling easier.

ecommerce-2140604_1280Craigslist is a website devoted to forums, rentals, rants, and raves, etc. One of the most frequented sections is the For Sale category. You can post any item for sale and arrange for a meetup between yourself and the purchaser. Always be cautious when procuring this kind of acquisition.

Poshmark is an app where selling your clothing, shoes, accessories to buyers is easy. Poshmark focuses on preloved fashion that is usually name- brand. They provide a shipping label and you pop it in the mail. No meetings are necessary.

Etsy This app focuses on the unique, handmade, and vintage.

Mercari, also known as the selling app, is a hub for many categories. From fashion to footballs, and Louis Vuitton to Nike, Mercari is a great place to off your hoard and get moola.

Recycle and repurpose

In a throw-away society, recycling and repurposing are beneficial to the planet. You can toss your paper goods; such as calendars, old dusty books, and magazines, in the recycle dumpster.

recycle-555645_1280Repurposing furniture to sell or redecorate is a creative way to save money or make money. The cost of new paint or varnish pales in comparison to having to purchase new furniture.

Always try to reuse and repurpose. However, if you spend too much of your time, or if it gets in the way of making progress in your cleaning expedition, then maybe you should let it go.

One way to get help is to get your friends on board. In exchange for helping offer and bribe them with your goodies. You can kill two birds with one stone. You know the old saying, “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.”

Throw it away

When you cannot see a way to donate, sell, give away, or recycle/repurpose; then just toss it! Please don’t ponder on this too long. This is what got you in this mess in the first place. Marie Kondo, organizing expert asks, “Does this spark joy?” If the answer is no, then release it. Just throw it in the trash bin!

Organize it

In the event that you just can’t part with Johnny’s school artwork or the sweatshirt you had since college, then at least organize it. Put it in boxes, plastic storage containers, anything to tidy up the clutter.

boxes-3992896_1280You can find superb, organizational, containers on Amazon or Walmart. Just make sure you do not make another hoard with storage boxes.

Here are some final tidbits to help you:

  • Use over-the-door racks for everything
  • Store shoes in a bin under the bed
  • Roll up towels, undies, and t-shirts for easier storage
  • Color coordinate everything
  • Keep kitchen appliances in the cupboards for clutter-free countertops
  • Hang your pots and pans
  • Use tension rods to add space in your cabinets
  • For chemical-free cleaning use baking soda, vinegar, and water.
  • Make use of vertical spaces
  • Bring older food to the front in your cabinets and refrigerator

“Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.”
– Barbara Hemphill

“For every minute spent organizing is an hour earned.”
—Benjamin Franklin

We tend to hold onto belongings because they evoke memories, make us feel secure, or because of laziness. Whatever the reason that you find yourself surrounded by material possessions, free your soul by minimizing, organizing, and mitigating your load. When you do, you will move freely about your space. Not only physically but mentally. Clutter will bog you down. It makes you tired, interrupts your sleep, and gives you, what I like to refer to as scrambled brain syndrome.

When you finally come to the end of your clean-up, reward yourself with a hot bubble bath, candles, music, and champagne. Then toast to yourself and give yourself a Good Job and Well Done!


Holly Lynn is an Airbnb Manager and financial hard money lender. You can reach her at or [email protected] for services.

What To Do When You Are On Lockdown

Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely

On Thursday Governor Gavin Newsom announced a shelter-in-place order for California residents. This proves to be difficult for many people who are used to being on the go and getting their hustle on every day.

While 16 critical sectors remain open, most businesses are closed. This leaves a large part of Californians sequestered at home. Of course, this is a necessary evil if we want to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

So the question is what can you do at home during this time of uncertainty? There is always so much to do. Here are some ideas for you to consider:

Learn more about your business

Whatever your business is there’s always something to learn. Take this time to study in-depth, the ins-and-outs of your business. If you are in real estate, for example, catch up on continuing education. Study your competition. Learn the different facets of your business that you may not have had time to learn previously. Research. Learn. Grow.

Spend time with your family

family-457235_1280The stay-at-home order is pretty much forcing you to spend time with your family. But are you really spending time with them? In this day and age of cell phones and computers, people can put themselves in a bubble and be oblivious to what’s going on even in their own homes. Consider unplugging! Pull out board games. Make family meals together and enjoy them around the kitchen table. Make memories even if they’re in your living room. Pick a big bowl of popcorn and Netflix and chill. NO! Not that kind of Netflix and chill. The family PG version is what I’m talking about. Just talk to each other. Learn more about each other. Unite.

Get an education

kindle-1867751_1280I know most of you would rather watch paint dry then go back to school. But a cure for boredom could be expanding your horizons by learning something new. There are many online courses that are now offering free training. Here are just a few:


According to Quora, Coursera is a free online learning tool for everyone who has an account registered. Account registration is also free of cost. All courses offered by Coursera are “accessible for free”. Each course includes short video lectures on different topics and assignments to be submitted, usually on a weekly basis.

Stanford Online

It’s Stanford University. It needs no introduction. There are classes that you can audit.


According to the definition on Wikipedia, edX is a massive open online course provider. It hosts online university-level courses in a wide range of disciplines to a worldwide student body, including some courses at no charge. It also conducts research into learning based on how people use its platform.

Learn a new hobby

Learning a new hobby will surely pass time. Have you ever wanted to learn to crochet? Or how about learning to play the piano? The internet is chock-full of how-to videos. So just type in YouTube in your search bar and find the hobby that suits you.

Get some exercise

The shelter-in-place order does mean you have to be completely closed off. You can still go for walks. Just make sure you stay six feet away from the next guy. Walk away from cabin fever!

Whatever you decide to do this during this coronavirus pandemic; make it count! Use this extra time wisely. Whether it’s reading a book, budgeting your checkbook, cuddling with loved ones, or just catching up on sleep; appreciate the break, look on the bright side and be thankful. Very thankful. Stay Safe!


Holly Lynn

Experienced Owner with a demonstrated history of working in the real estate industry. Skilled in Team Building, Television, Leadership, Marketing, and Digital Marketing. Strong business development professional who graduated from San Francisco State University, College of Business.

The Queen of Capital, Holly Lynn specializes in helping people with their real estate needs. She is a creative and results-driven resource who can help investors at every level.

Her authentic, personal relationships with both lenders and investors coupled with her vision, work ethic and endless desire to make the deal work position her as a sought-after, leader in the industry.

Holly Lynn can help you with hard money, private financing and other funding for your investments and projects.

She is a self-taught deal maker who has always had a keen business sense. She works with investors and syndication across the board who are looking for real estate investments that produce passive income streams.

She built B.A.M.F into the single most recognized name that is designed to build strong relationships and invest in multifamily projects to create massive cash flow and wealth. B.A.M.F monthly meetups in San Francisco, San Mateo, Fremont, San Jose and those conducted through webinars are open for everyone. As the multifamily properties continue to be an investment megatrend, She gives everyone an opportunity to learn about multifamily property investments and opportunities that would only be otherwise available for top dealers and those who met the qualifications by SEC. But through B.A.M.F, you can meet with experts and deal organizers who can provide you with great investment options.

Holly’s reputation has been earned one transaction at a time with no substitute for hard work and honesty. Take advantage of her deep proven experience in the real estate and investment market by joining her events and mixers. Mixers that are organized by B.A.M.F is sought after by reputable individuals in the investment and finance field. It is your chance to learn and grow.

“I have always believed that your money is waiting for you, but you have to keep yourself open to receiving it.”

– Holly Lynn –

The Great TP Crisis of 2020

By Holly Lynn

What are you going to do if you are cooped up in the house because everything from courthouses, social gatherings, and businesses are closed because of the Coronavirus? It’s looking that way now.

coronavirus-4937226_1280Everybody’s making jokes, including me, about the toilet paper crisis and shelves being wiped clean. People are sharing photos and videos of empty shelves across America. The videos showing grown women punching each other out over Charmin is ridiculous. If you are going to hoard something, let it be something that you can’t live without. Like food and water. Not that I am suggesting that. But TP?

What do you think is the reason that this is happening?

I’ll tell you what I think! It started with that first person who hoarded all the toilet paper.

Then that person told their friend that they were stocking up on toilet paper.

That friend got worried that the aforementioned friend would have more toilet paper than them.

toilet-paper-4498913_1280So then that friend went to the store and loaded up on massive amounts of TP and other goodies. Someone else in the store noticed, then decided that they should stock up, too.

Do you see where I’m going with the story? Monkey see monkey do.

It makes sense to stock up on necessities in times of crisis. Remember the PG&e outages of last year? That should have taught us a lesson or two. Waiting till the last minute is detrimental to everybody. So let this be a lesson to you!

Back to my original question of what are you going to do if you’re cooped up in the house?

Me? I’m going to carry on as business as usual. I have important stuff to do and I’m going to do it! The world can close down around me, but I am going to keep on hustling. For myself, my family, and my clients.

I hope that this gives you the opportunity to spend time with your family, to prepare for the future, and to realize that life will always throw you curveballs. It’s how you deal with it that matters.


Holly Lynn

Experienced Owner with a demonstrated history of working in the real estate industry. Skilled in Team Building, Television, Leadership, Marketing, and Digital Marketing. Strong business development professional who graduated from San Francisco State University, College of Business.

The Queen of Capital, Holly Lynn specializes in helping people with their real estate needs. She is a creative and results-driven resource who can help investors at every level.

Her authentic, personal relationships with both lenders and investors coupled with her vision, work ethic and endless desire to make the deal work position her as a sought-after, leader in the industry.

Holly Lynn can help you with hard money, private financing and other funding for your investments and projects.

She is a self-taught deal maker who has always had a keen business sense. She works with investors and syndication across the board who are looking for real estate investments that produce passive income streams.

She built B.A.M.F into the single most recognized name that is designed to build strong relationships and invest in multifamily projects to create massive cash flow and wealth. B.A.M.F monthly meetups in San Francisco, San Mateo, Fremont, San Jose and those conducted through webinars are open for everyone. As the multifamily properties continue to be an investment megatrend, She gives everyone an opportunity to learn about multifamily property investments and opportunities that would only be otherwise available for top dealers and those who met the qualifications by SEC. But through B.A.M.F, you can meet with experts and deal organizers who can provide you with great investment options.

Holly’s reputation has been earned one transaction at a time with no substitute for hard work and honesty. Take advantage of her deep proven experience in the real estate and investment market by joining her events and mixers. Mixers that are organized by B.A.M.F is sought after by reputable individuals in the investment and finance field. It is your chance to learn and grow.

“I have always believed that your money is waiting for you, but you have to keep yourself open to receiving it.”

– Holly Lynn –

Realty411’s California Expos Transition into VIRTUAL LIVE Event – All Welcome!

Dear Realty411 Readers & Expo Guests;

We are saddened about the recent developments with the novel corornavirus (COVID-19) and its impact on social gatherings across the nation; however, we are moving onward and now merely transitioning both our Southern and Northern California Expos into ONE LIVE VIRTUAL LIVE EXPO.

Yes, on March 28th, Realty411 will still continue set plans with a one-day complimentary educational real estate expo designed to help inform, assist and motivate real estate investors of all levels.
Now, more than ever is the time to connect, network, and learn.
This is an unprecedented time and as news professionals we must continue to provide the most timely, accurate and informative journalism possible. Our freelance staff is comprised of professional, university-trained media veterans who spotted the economic warnings of this global pandemic early on and shared a Facebook alert on February 20th, 2020. Next, we reported on COVID-19’s potential economic impact on our podcast show more than two weeks ago, before many other news sources. As real estate reporters, we strive to not just simply analyze the news but notice emerging trends that could impact our industry.
It is therefore important to join us for our NEW VIRTUAL EXPO on March 28th, 2020, to discuss WHAT IS NEXT in our market, our economy, and in our industry?
At this up-to-the-minute LIVE VIRTUAL EXPO, our speakers will share their thoughts on the current state of the market and what they’re doing to protect their portfolio during this economic roller-coaster and age of uncertainty. Plus, we will be discussing the most important question of all: What can real estate investors and professionals do RIGHT NOW to best position themselves for this new “social distancing” lifestyle? The news and economic markets are changing rapidly, rest assured that Realty411‘s goal is to “dig deeper” to bring readers crucial information to help safeguard their real-estate nest eggs from dramatic disruptions. In closing, we would like to urge people to please keep calm. As of today, economic indicators are already seeing a bounce back in the US stock market, most likely from the announcement of a proposed $800-Billion stimulus package, which could potentially put cash into the hand’s of every American very soon. Plus, SBA low-interest, long-term loans specifically for small businesses affected by COVID-19 are already available. Facebook also announced $100M in grants for small businesses impacted by the carnivorous. Plus, interest rates are at an all-time low also providing potential relief if refinancing. Be sure to check back to our website for additional coverage and analysis, plus RSVP FOR OUR VIRTUAL EXPO to reserve your spot today.