Enjoying The Mindset Of A Successful Real Estate Investor

By Tamera Aragon

Quote to live by: “The one thing you can’t take away from me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me. The last of one’s freedoms is to choose ones attitude in any given circumstance.” ~Viktor Frankl

You Own Your Thoughts, Now Control Them

What if it was possible to be happy even when things aren’t going your way? What if there was a simple way to be happy, despite your environment, while staring adversity straight in the eyes? Would you like to know how to ignore the “nay sayers” and the media full of gloom and doom telling you every reason why you cannot be successful investing or flipping properties in today’s market?

Would you like to get rid of the noise in your head telling you every reason why you shouldn’t make an offer on a property or you cannot really make money at buying and selling houses or some other crazy negative thing. That’s right – no more hurtful critical thoughts! Can you imagine?

I know it sounds like a great idea, but doesn’t seem to be very realistic at first glance. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be realistic, it just has to work, and it will, if you stick with a few basic principles. The key here is in the simplicity, and in keeping yourself accountable for sticking with the following principles.


My Experience

This is a system I’ve been using for quite some time, and can testify to its merit. I decided that I was tired of being unhappy, and letting my own made up fears or even the real environment and the people around me control how I felt.

Be Selective In What You Think About

The wonderful thing about thoughts is that you genuinely own yours. No one else has power over what you think about. With this power, you are faced with a big choice that can impact your entire existence.

  • Positive Thoughts. You can choose to think about goals, ambitions, people you love, beautiful scenery, and things you enjoy. This affects your physiology by making you stress free and healthier.
  • Negative Thoughts. You can choose to think about death, disappointment, destruction and misery. It’s so stressful to think about how unfair life is, which causes your immune system to take a dip.

Ask Yourself the Important Question

Yes, a single question is powerful enough to change your thoughts. Just ask yourself: How do I want this to affect me?

When you ask yourself about what you want, you are able to take control. If being happy in the face of adversity is what you want, than you choose to let yourself be affected positively. You take negative situations, and treat them as a learning experience.

Instead of taking minor discomforts and turning them into major frustrations, let them affect you in a positive way. For example, you can turn a 48-hour commute into a learning experience.


Switch Channels

Treat your life as a television set, and when your thoughts project channels of unhappiness, hit the next button on your mental remote. Switch to something pleasant and stick to the happy networks.

Remember, you control whether your thoughts are positive or negative and with this choice you own your happiness – which, in affect, will make you healthy, wealthy and wise.

Steps to Success

  1. Put a rubber band on your wrist (not too tight – don’t want to cut off your circulation)
  2. Every time you notice yourself thinking something negative, pull that rubber band and snap it… just enough to make you jump. This is called cognitive conditioning. By inflicting some discomfort when you perform a behavior you want to change or stop, this will help you to subconsciously avoid doing that thing over time.
  3. In addition to inflicting discomfort, change your mind’s channel by asking yourself the question: How do I want this circumstance I was just thinking about to affect me? Of course you “want it” to affect you positively somehow. This question, though you may not have the answer in the moment, will get your brain working on the solutions rather than focusing on the problem.

“Positive and negative are directions. Which direction do you choose? When you affirm the positive, visualize the positive and expect the positive, and your life will change accordingly.” Remez Sasson

Tamera Aragon

Tamera Aragon is a professional online entrepreneur and has bought and sold over 300 properties, establishing her as an expert in the real estate investing field. Since 2003, she has purchased over 10 million dollars in real estate and currently holds properties all over the world. Tamera’s focus is on the booming Foreclosure market, buying Pre-foreclosures, REOs and Short Sales. Tamera who is a noted Author, Success Trainer, Speaker & Coach, shows her passion for helping others with the 17 websites she has created and several specialized products to support fellow investors throughout the world. When Tamara is not busy running her website, she is very involved with her Fiji joint ventures and investments. Tamera Aragon is one of the few trainers and coaches who is really “doing it” successfully in today’s market. Tamera’s experience has earned her a solid reputation in the industry as well as the respect and friendship of many of the top national real estate investment and internet marketing experts. Tamera Aragon believes her success has garnered her the financial freedom to fully enjoy her marriage and spend quality time with her children.

Learn live and in real-time with Realty411. Be sure to register for our next virtual and in-person events. For all the details, please visit Realty411Expo.com or our Eventbrite landing page, CLICK HERE.

5 Reasons To Write & Publish Your Book — Build Credibility and Passive Income

By Stephanie Mojica

Do you have real estate knowledge that you wish to share with other investors? Or, would you like to build a passive stream of income with sales of books you’ve authored?

Let’s talk today about five reasons why you should write and publish your book instead of thinking, “Oh, maybe later.”


1. You can get your message out to a lot more people than you ever could through one- on-one work, networking groups, speaking, etc. It’s just really been beneficial to my clients, to have hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, or even millions of people exposed to you, your message, and your story. A book is just an incredible way, and a very affordable way, to get that message out. Because more people are willing to invest $9.99 or $14.99 in a book than $100 or thousands of dollars in your course, your service, etc.

2. When you write and publish your book instead of just thinking about it, you get to enjoy the reputation and credibility builder of being a published author. Clients have told me that they decided to work with me because they don’t want to keep seeing “Author of…” in everybody else’s bio, especially when they were speaking on live or virtual stages. And writing a book really shows that you’re in the game for the long haul, that you’re not just a one-trick pony. With the pandemic, a lot of people started calling themselves coaches, consultants, and other experts. And we don’t know if some of those people will go back to their day jobs or jump on the next trend. So, writing a book just shows that you’re in the game for the long haul. Your business isn’t something you just decided to do, especially because of the pandemic.

3. You’ll have that sense of accomplishment that I and others have experienced after writing and publishing a book; that feeling is indescribable. Most of the population has not even attempted to write a book. And of the people who try to write a book, less than 5% finish it and publish it.

4. People seek you out a lot more when you have that published book out there. The opportunities include media interviews, speaking gigs, and podcast interviews. Having a new book is a great way to increase urgency among people booking such opportunities because everyone wants to be on top of the news.


5. Waking up to passive income is another benefit of finally writing and publishing your book. While many of my clients make money from new clients that come in through their book and the increased publicity surrounding them, some people that I’ve worked with have made five and even six figures from book sales. It’s great to make money when you sleep, especially with rents, mortgages, and everything throughout the world on the rise.

So, write your book. Don’t just sit around thinking about it and end up on your deathbed wishing that you did it. Just do it. I promise you — especially if you get the right support. It will not be as painful or as difficult as it sounds.

Stephanie Mojica

Stephanie Mojica, writer of How One Writer Shifted From Settling for $12 an Hour to Prospering at Over $90 an Hour and shorter books such as Quick Answers to Frequently Asked Credit Questions, is an award-winning journalist with publications such as USA Today, The Philadelphia Inquirer, San Francisco Chronicle, and The Virginian-Pilot, among many others. She helps executive coaches, business consultants, business owners, attorneys, and other decision makers generate more money online and become the go-to expert in their field by guiding them step by step through the process of writing and publishing a book.

Learn live and in real-time with Realty411. Be sure to register for our next virtual and in-person events. For all the details, please visit Realty411Expo.com or our Eventbrite landing page, CLICK HERE.

New Book: How to Profit from International Real Estate Investing

‘…While some housing markets are crashing, others will likely be booming’

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico – After more than 25 years of investing in global real estate markets in seven countries on three continents, including Panama, Portugal, Mexico and Brazil, Ronan McMahon, founder of Real Estate Trend Alert, is sharing the best secrets for success that he’s learned by taking part in well over $2 billion in real estate transactions. Written for ordinary people looking to make extraordinary moves, the new book is titled Ronan McMahon’s Big Book of Profitable Real Estate Investing and is published by International Living Publishing Ltd., a division of International Living, the leading source for the world’s best places to live, travel and retire since 1979.


Based on decades of real world experience and know-how, this book is a practical guide to help aspiring real estate investors – and anyone looking to strategically purchase a home overseas – to understand the why, where, and how of international real estate.

“With soaring inflation and sky-high prices right now, the secrets of successful real estate investing can help regular people around the world secure their financial freedom,” said McMahon from Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. “This book holds every useful method, and sometimes little known insights, to make serious money from real estate. In more than 25 years of investing, probably the biggest thing I’ve learned is that it’s surprisingly simple to become a successful real estate investor.”

The Irish property bubble that lasted from 2000-2007 was the original catalyst that compelled McMahon to look overseas for better opportunities. Along the way, he had some interesting adventures. In Brazil, he almost died in a dune buggy crash, and in Panama he flew over the Panama Canal in a billionaire’s helicopter, all in search of the world’s best real estate investments. It was by traveling the globe he discovered that, while some housing markets are crashing, others will likely be booming.

“When you look everywhere there is always a big opportunity somewhere,” said McMahon, who also posts regular insights and opportunities at Real Estate Trend Alert. “That goes not just for real estate investing, but for living as well. That’s why I split my time between Portugal, my home base, winter in sunny locales like Los Cabos and the Caribbean, and summer in Europe, with trips to my home country, Ireland. I never have to face any cold weather, which is just my preference. Lots of people no doubt prefer chilly weather, but we should all have a choice.”

Packed with the most up-to-date information, the book operates as a how-to guide for anybody thinking about buying real estate overseas and how they can afford it. Some of the topics McMahon opines on include:

  • The top real estate investment trends to consider.
  • Where buyers can make double-digit rental yields this year (or any year).
  • The what and how of crisis investing.
  • Real estate investing pitfalls to avoid.
  • Navigating overseas markets without getting burned.
  • How to fund your overseas investment.

The book is now available on Amazon and from Real Estate Trend Alert.


About Real Estate Trend Alert

Real Estate Trend Alert is a real estate investment newsletter founded and written by Ronan McMahon. Since 2008, Ronan has helped thousands of Real Estate Trend Alert members benefit from real estate opportunities all-over the world.

Learn live and in real-time with Realty411. Be sure to register for our next virtual and in-person events. For all the details, please visit Realty411Expo.com or our Eventbrite landing page, CLICK HERE.

Hey Offer: Pennsylvania Home-Selling Company Helps Homeowners Navigate the Competitive Real Estate Market

Hey Offer is a Pennsylvania-based home-buying company in Allentown, Pennsylvania, devoted to making selling or buying a new home easier.

The company has extensive experience with the Allentown real estate market and shares its knowledge with the local community to help residents who are having to sell their family home due to unfortunate circumstances, such as divorce, unaffordable repairs, the death of a loved one, and to avoid foreclosure.

A spokesperson from Hey Offer said, “We are Josh, Dalia, Alex, and Jack local investors that operate out of Allentown, PA. We love to buy properties that people cannot keep, want, or need to own anymore. Selling your home can already be overwhelming so we keep it simple for you.”

All you have to do to start the process of selling your home is to fill out a form on the HeyOffer website; then, you will get a no-obligation cash offer after the company verifies the condition of the home being sold.

Sell Your Home The Simple Way

Hey Offer prides itself on full transparency and providing its clients with all the necessary information on the most efficient way to sell their homes.

If you want to ‘sell my house fast PA,’ then Hey Offer has introduced a step-by-step guide for submitting a house for a swift sale:

Get an Offer Today

Fill out the short form on the company’s website, and its local team will review your information and provide a no-obligation cash offer.


The team will ask you questions that are vital for them to make a fair cash offer based on your home. They will need to know details like bedrooms, bathrooms, how long you have owned it, and the condition of the property on a scale of 1-10, along with other details.

The more information you provide, the more accurate and higher the offer will be. As you are on the phone, the team will also check the prices that similar properties have sold in your area, as well as an ARV (After Repair Value) which is the value that your home is worth after it has been completely remodeled.


HeyOffer will schedule a quick visit to your property (at your convenience) to verify the condition and take pictures for potential buyers.

This visit will take place within 72 hours of the agreement (of the cash offer) being signed, and if your property doesn’t quite reach the expectations that the team originally thought from the phone call, don’t worry. Hey Offer buys nearly every property they go out to see after they have signed an agreement to buy it.

The only thing that may affect the process is if your property is determined to be in worse condition than originally communicated. If this happens, then the cash offer will be adjusted.

Hey Offer is committed to being fully transparent with all its clients and transactions and will ensure that you remain fully informed during the entire process. Additionally, if you do not accept the team’s offer, you are free to move on and sell your home to someone else.


Close and Cash Out

The final part of the process is coordinating with you and the title company to ensure it all goes seamlessly as it heads towards the closing date you selected.

Throughout the closing process, Hey Offer might require access to your property to get bids from its trusted contractors so that they may start on any renovations as soon as the closing happens and you have your cash.

More information

To find out more about Hey Offer and to see a full list of its home-buying services, please visit the website at https://www.heyoffer.com/.

Join Realty411 in Pennsylvania on Saturday, April 1st.

Our Realty411’s Philadelphia & Clubhouse Connection investor conference will begin at 9 AM ET.

Get more details about this event, visit our landing page: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/481836685497

Be sure to also download the event flyer here: https://joom.ag/ym5d

Invitation to Realty411’s Investor Summit in West Los Angeles, Plus Networking Breakfast Mixer

Learn the Latest Niches in Real Estate + Connect with Influential Investors from across the nation right here in Southern California.

We have exciting news regarding our In-Person Event in West Los Angeles, California. Our special one-day conference will host incredible educators from around the country, who are ready to share their valuable insight. Be sure to join us IN PERSON. We will have wonderful resources, plus guests will have access to private capital, plus business and commercial funding as well.

Now is the time to grow your real estate business to new levels.

While General Admission for this conference is complimentary, please consider purchasing a VIP ticket to join our Investor Network, which includes a SPECIAL INVESTOR NETWORKING BREAKFAST to start the day off right, plus an investor bag with our latest publications.

Celebrate Real Estate Investing with Realty411 – Join Us for an In-Person Event in Los Angeles.

Now is the moment to grasp this opportunity — the chance to network with sophisticated investors from California and around the country. It’s time to our latest magazines with this SPECIAL Conference.

Be sure to pencil this date now and join us in-person to gain specialized real estate investing insight and knowledge. The information shared on this day could catapult your portfolio to new levels. Discover the latest technology available to better manage your properties.

This one-day conference has something for everyone regardless of their experience level in real estate. Join this memorable day and receive knowledge for a lifetime.

(Optional upgrade: We may run out of magazines as we have before at other events, so be sure to reserve a VIP ticket so we can reserve a special gift bag for you. Plus, join us for our networking breakfast at 9 AM PT and have VIP seating as well.)

Are you ready to Grow Your Real Estate Business, Portfolio and Network? Come join us for a special day.


For any questions, please call or text us directly: 310.994.1962. Visit Realty411expo.com or REIWealthmag.com for news, updates, and informative articles.

The Ins and Outs of Seller Concessions

By Realty411 Team

Home sellers need to be more willing to make concessions in a challenged real estate market, per Yahoo! Finance.

Lower asking prices are not enough anymore, so sellers should be more willing to negotiate deals. Helping with closing costs and giving an interest rate buydown concession (where the seller gives the buyer a credit, essentially lowering their monthly payments) are just two examples.


Repairing the property, allowing a closing period of 45 days, and offering a home warranty can also sweeten the deal for buyers.

However, sellers should avoid certain types of concessions. For example, making home improvements (which are different from repairs) or giving things like a “carpet and painting” allowance.

While the days of simply posting a “For Sale” sign are over and creativity is more important than ever, sellers still need to protect themselves.

Some concessions are particularly risky, such as allowing the buyer to move in before closing or allowing the deal to be contingent on when the buyer sells their current home.

Flexibility is important, but so is avoiding gullibility.


Learn live and in real-time with Realty411. Be sure to register for our next virtual and in-person events. For all the details, please visit Realty411Expo.com or our Eventbrite landing page, CLICK HERE.

Bank Failures Cause Mortgage Rates to Drop

By Stephanie Mojica

In the wake of recent bank failures, mortgage rates have dropped, according to REALTOR.com. During the week of March 13, 2023, mortgage rates have been between 6.57% and 6.75%.

The rates are anticipated to continue to fall, giving renewed hope to many traditional homebuyers and real estate investors.


Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and Silvergate Bank have all failed, which has caused some would-be homebuyers to become nervous about getting a mortgage. There are concerns that other banks could collapse as well as anxiety about the general economic uncertainty in the world, Ali Wolf, chief economist of the building consultancy Zonda, told REALTOR.com.

However, Wolf noted that all the drama will probably lower mortgage rates even further. If rates go down by even .50 percent, the average housing payment would be lowered by $100 each month.


The good news in the bank collapse situation is that the U.S. federal government is covering people’s losses from Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, which will surely assuage some people’s fears. Because Silvergate Bank handled cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, the feds are not able to recoup customers’ losses.

REALTOR.com recommends that people in the market for a mortgage to check rates at least once a day and stay in close contact with lenders.

Stephanie Mojica

Stephanie Mojica, writer of How One Writer Shifted From Settling for $12 an Hour to Prospering at Over $90 an Hour and shorter books such as Quick Answers to Frequently Asked Credit Questions, is an award-winning journalist with publications such as USA Today, The Philadelphia Inquirer, San Francisco Chronicle, and The Virginian-Pilot, among many others. She helps executive coaches, business consultants, business owners, attorneys, and other decision makers generate more money online and become the go-to expert in their field by guiding them step by step through the process of writing and publishing a book.

Learn live and in real-time with Realty411. Be sure to register for our next virtual and in-person events. For all the details, please visit Realty411Expo.com or our Eventbrite landing page, CLICK HERE.

Gain Clarity on the Economy, Join Us for Our Next In-Person Summits

With recent interest rate spikes and the collapse of two major banks on both coasts, the economy seems to continue being on shaky ground.

To help Realty411 and REI Wealth magazine readers get the timeliest information and updates, we are hosting a series of Real Estate Investors Summits around the country.

At these events, guests will enjoy a Breakfast Networking Session, copies of both publications, and a chance to get all your real estate questions answered — in person.

Don’t miss the opportunity to connect, learn and network live with like-minded investors ready to make their goals come true, too.

Here is your chance to learn proven strategies and techniques that can be implemented in your next real estate transactions. Join us for the opportunity to connect in person during a special morning mixer.


Don’t miss our next events:

April 1st — Philadelphia, PA


April 15th – West Los Angeles, CA


September 16th, – Arlington, Texas


We hope you can join us as we celebrate the incredible connections, we’ve made in our real estate investing career.

Realty411.com – phone: 310.994.1962 – [email protected]


6 Things to Keep in Mind When Selling Your Home

By Stephanie Mojica

During the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, investors and traditional homeowners enjoyed a true seller’s market. But as COVID-19 slowly fades from the news and global financial challenges persist, sellers no longer have the same advantages.

The good news is that the majority of homeowners can still get more than they paid for their property, but the bad news is that more planning is required. To that end, here are six things to keep in mind when selling your home, per REALTOR.com.


1. Set the right selling price from the get-go.

Pricing your property above market value is a recipe for disappointment. Also, don’t count on the bidding wars that were everyday occurrences at the height of the pandemic.

2. Do not try to sell your property “as is”.

People just aren’t buying homes in need of TLC nowadays. While it may feel unfamiliar and even irritating, repairing your house before it hits the market will heighten your chances of making a quick sale.

3. Help your buyer as much as possible.

Interest rates are at historic highs, causing lenders to offer their customers less buying power. As a result, concessions such as sellers helping their buyers with closing costs are now a bigger part of the game.

4. Don’t expect any property to sell quickly.

The times of a home only sitting on the market for a few days seem to be gone; the current national average is 50 days. The good news is that this is still less time than the pre-pandemic average of 68 days.


5. Invest time and money into home staging.

An empty house doesn’t appeal to buyers the way it once did. In fact, homes that are tidy and staged sell 88% faster (and at 20% higher prices) than non-staged properties.

6. Consider when to sell your home.

During the peak of the pandemic, it was okay to list a home anytime. But nowadays, spring and summer are the best buying seasons.

Stephanie Mojica

Stephanie Mojica, writer of How One Writer Shifted From Settling for $12 an Hour to Prospering at Over $90 an Hour and shorter books such as Quick Answers to Frequently Asked Credit Questions, is an award-winning journalist with publications such as USA Today, The Philadelphia Inquirer, San Francisco Chronicle, and The Virginian-Pilot, among many others. She helps executive coaches, business consultants, business owners, attorneys, and other decision makers generate more money online and become the go-to expert in their field by guiding them step by step through the process of writing and publishing a book.

Economic Extremes & Consumer Shock

By Rick Tobin

None of us have ever seen such wide-ranging extremes of economic and asset trends as we’ve seen over the past few years. In many ways, it’s like we’re on a giant yo-yo swinging wildly from side to side or on a bumpy roller coaster ride with wicked twists and turns that keeps moving onward for years at a time instead of over just a minute or two.

All of the economic jerking that we feel on a daily basis can be overwhelming. Some days we see very positive news which gives us hope for a bright future. Other days, the gloomy negative news can seem a bit shocking because much of these positive and negative economic data trends have never been experienced in past years or decades.

Let’s review some of the key economic data trends that swing from very bad to very good (or vice versa) in hours, days, weeks, months, or over the past few years:


Home Price Changes

Nationally, home prices have risen consistently since 2011. Investor home purchases fell the most on record in the 4th quarter of 2022 at a whopping -46% decline pace. Home prices fell for six months in a row since peaking in July 2022 through the end of January 2023, according to the Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index.

A booming home price example: A young family purchases a new starter home for $300,000 in January 2020 shortly before the global pandemic designation. That same home would’ve peaked at $435,000 in the summer of 2022 using the same Case-Shiller data trends. If so, the family gained $135,000 in newfound equity in just 18 months or so.

The most horrific housing crash in US history took place between the market peak in 2006 and 2012 when the national housing average fell – 27%. California’s home losses were much more extreme with the peak to trough bubble burst falling as much as -41%.

Between 2019 and peak prices near the summer of 2022, many regions had home appreciation percentages of somewhere between massive 50% and 100%+ gains. Future home losses will need to be significant and the worst ever in national history to turn recent home purchases negative.

For people who’ve owned their homes for many years or decades, they will be more likely to ride out any significant price drops in the future. However, buyers who purchased with anywhere between 0% and 5% down in recent years may soon go underwater with the mortgage debt surpassing the market value.

Year-over-year home sales fell between 37% and 47% in Southern California counties through January. As sales volume declines, home price drops tend to follow even if most sellers aren’t willing to do it at first because they want peak record high prices like last seen in 2022.

Fewer buyers means less competition for quality properties and may lead to home listing price cuts and increased closing cost credits from sellers to buyers.

Commercial real estate properties: Upwards of 50% of all commercial property mortgage debt is a floating or adjustable rate. Additionally, the cost to insure the interest rate cap derivatives contract that protects both borrowers and lenders from the increasing risks associated with rising rates has increased 10-fold for borrowers, as per the Wall Street Journal. As such, it’s a double whammy for commercial mortgage borrowers in that both their mortgage and insurance rates have skyrocketed over the past year. The commercial sector is still getting hit harder than residential.

Listing Supply

The St. Louis Fed and Realtor.com share data together which shows both the current and past history for single-family homes, townhomes, and condominiums across the nation at any given time. As with other products available for purchase, a lower supply of something like eggs or popular toys will likely lead to higher prices due to the demand exceeding the available supply. Conversely, an oversupply of a product and falling demand will cause prices to fall.

Let’s review the national home listing trends dating back to 2016:

The US Census Bureau recently published data for the 4th quarter of 2022 which showed that there were 15 million vacant housing units (homes, condos, and rental apartments).

Vacant “shadow inventory” homes that are NOT listed for sale absolutely dwarf the total number of listed homes nationwide by a significant multitude. This has been true since at least 2009. If just 5% or 10% of the “shadow inventory” homes suddenly changed to homes available for sale, it could double the size of the national listing supply. “Shadow inventory” homes can also include homes already foreclosed upon by banks or mortgage loan servicing companies that are not offered up for sale.

Mortgage Rates

Approximately 75% of all homes nationwide were purchased with mortgages in recent years. Almost every boom and bust housing cycle over the past 50+ years was directly related to mortgage rate trends.

Between April 1971 and September 2022, the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate was 7.76% as per Freddie Mac. Today’s rates for borrowers with average FICO scores near 690 have fluctuated between 7% and 8% in recent months. The main difference today is that mortgage balances are two, three, four, or five times larger than in decades past.

We’re in the midst of the fastest mortgage rate increase in US history. The Federal Reserve’s rate hikes at a record pace over the past year are likely to later pivot and become massive rate cuts at some point in the future like we saw shortly after the 2008 housing bubble burst.

For comparison purposes about rate hikes, the Fed increased rates 17 times between June 2004 and June 2006 while pushing rates from 1% to 5.25% over 24 months while much smaller rate hikes that were closer to .25% at a time. This was the catalyst for the housing bubble burst later as so many adjustable rate option-like pay ARM mortgages and HELOCs doubled or tripled in monthly payment amounts.

Between the 1st quarter of 2022 and the 1st quarter of 2023, we’re on pace to increase rates 4.25% just like during the 2004 to 2006 era while doing it in about half the time (12 months instead of 24 months).

As of July 2022, approximately 80% of all open residential mortgages nationwide were priced at a fixed 4% rate or lower as per CoreLogic. Approximately 40% of all US residential mortgages were financed or refinanced near peak lows in 2020 or 2021.

Key point: The Primary Mortgage Market Survey conducted by Freddie Mac found that 99% of all residential mortgages nationwide had existing fixed rates lower than the national fixed rate average during the first week of March 2023.


Three years ago near the start of the “pandemic” declaration in March 2020, the 10-year Treasury yield hovered close to an incredibly low and rather spooky 0.666% yield. The 30-year fixed mortgage rate is tied to the directions of the 10-year Treasury yield. Today’s 10-year Treasury yield closed at 3.966% on March 6, 2023 by comparison, which was about 3.3% higher.

Historically, the 30-year mortgage rate pricing is about 1.7% over the 10-year Treasury yield (0.6630 + 1.7% margin = 2.363% 30-year fixed mortgage rate, approximately). Over the past year, the margin has widened considerably to 3% or 4% over and above the 10-year Treasury yield to arrive at the latest 30-year fixed mortgage. This widening of the margin was partly due to perceived worsening financial conditions and the Fed’s Quantitative Tapering strategies which included their attempt to sell off trillions of dollars’ worth of mortgage bonds in spite of their being few buyers.

As a result, the 30-year fixed mortgage rate skyrocketed faster than ever to reach somewhere between 6% and 8%, depending upon the borrower’s FICO score and other creditworthiness guidelines.

Mortgage Applications

The lowest mortgage application reading of the 21st century was reached as of the 1st quarter in 2023 due to rising rates. By comparison when mortgage rates were at or near all-time record lows, there were 23.3 million home loan applications completed by consumers, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

M1 and M2 Money Supply

“M1 is the money supply that is composed of currency, demand deposits, other liquid deposits—which includes savings deposits. M1 includes the most liquid portions of the money supply because it contains currency and assets that either are or can be quickly converted to cash. However, “near money” and “near, near money,” which fall under M2 and M3, cannot be converted to currency as quickly.” – Investopedia

The federal government has not published data about M3 since 2006. Our national money supply trends are more of a factor for causing rising inflation or falling deflationary trends more so than consumer spending.


The M1 money supply from $4 trillion to $20 trillion between just January 2020 and October 2021.


M2 is a measure of the money supply which includes cash, checking deposits, and other types of deposits that are easily convertible to cash such as CDs. Last year was the first time when bank deposits declined within the same year since 1948. This is partly why banks are finally starting to offer higher savings rates to attract more deposits because they’re running low on cash.

The M2 year-over-year growth swung from one extreme to another between 2020 and 2023. It peaked at a +26% year-over-year growth in 2021 and later collapsed to a -2% by early 2023. In the past, a negative M2 money supply that was contracting was a foreboding or ominous sign of an upcoming economic recession or severe depression like seen back in the 1920s.

The M1 and/or M2 money supply directional trends tend to mirror inflation or deflation trends. The more money that is created, the more likely that inflation will rise as well while pushing assets like stocks and real estate much higher. Conversely, a falling money supply can create a deflationary economic cycle when asset prices fall as well.

Savings: US savings rates reached an all-time record low by the 1st quarter of 2023.


Let’s take a closer look at some key dates for the Dow Jones stock index to get a better understanding of how wildly stock prices have swung over the past three years:

The Dow Jones stock index fell from a peak high of 29,551.42 on February 12th to a market low of 18,213.65 on March 23rd in 2020, which is more than a 38% overall percentage loss in just over a month. Of the 10 all-time biggest daily point losses ever for the Dow Jones index, eight of these days took place in either February or March in 2020. By comparison, the then all-time daily Dow Jones point loss record for the infamous day that almost took down the global financial system back on September 29, 2008 was only a -777 daily point loss.

Month & Year / Daily Point Loss

#1: 03/16/2020 / -2997
#2: 03/12/2020 / -2353
#3: 03/09/2020 / -2014
#4: 03/11/2020 / -1465
#5: 02/27/2020 / -1191
#6: 02/05/2018 / -1175
#7: 02/08/2018 / -1033
#8: 02/24/2020 / -1032
#9: 03/05/2020 / -970
#10: 03/27/2020 / -915
Source: Standard and Poors (through 03/27/2020)

Consumer Debt

Mortgage and other consumer debt is at an all-time record high. Credit card debt is near $1 trillion with the highest rates and fees ever averaging over 20%.

Distressed or pre-foreclosure numbers are listed as “below historical averages” today partly due to existing Covid-19 moratoriums. However, the true number of distressed properties that do not have foreclosure filings may later be on pace to reach peak 2008 to 2012 numbers and will likely be led by FHA mortgage defaults (95% to 96.5% LTV is the norm for FHA purchase deals).

After loss of income, the #1 reason why homeowners walk away from their mortgage and let the property go to foreclosure is when it’s upside-down, underwater, or the mortgage debt is higher than the current market value.

The #1 cause of financial insolvency or bankruptcy is related to unpaid medical bills; Americans have never been unhealthier than today, tragically.

Published inflation rates have varied between 6% and 9% in recent months. Yet, the true inflation numbers are closer to 15% to 17% if the federal government used the same data analysis techniques as a few decades ago.

Subprime automobile loans recently surpassed 6%, which is the highest default number ever.

Energy Price Swings

Back in April 2020, oil prices per barrel briefly went negative to reach -37 per oil barrel. As a result, the cost of the barrel itself was more valuable than the oil inside. Energy costs are usually a root cause of both inflation and deflation as we’ve all seen over the past few years. Some oil barrel prices later surpassed $100 in 2022 as many of us saw $5, $6, $7, $8, and $9 per gallon, especially here in California.


At the peak of the last housing bubble burst in 2007 and 2008, the estimated value of the global derivatives marketplace was about $1,500 trillion. Today, the global derivatives market is closer to $3,000 trillion and may reach closer to $4,000 trillion by 2027 if the same annual growth rates continue, as per Globe Newswire. The frozen global derivatives market was the main cause of the Credit Crisis or Great Recession back in 2008.

A derivative is a hybrid financial and insurance instrument that can be leveraged up to 50 times. Or, it’s a glorified bet on the future direction of things like interest rate directional trends as seen with interest rate option derivatives. Even though us mortgage brokers and real estate investors were blamed by the media for the Credit Crisis, defaulted subprime mortgage debt represented less than 1% of all debt that imploded back then.

Denial or Research – Pick Your Poison or Solution

What we avoid in life controls us. It’s usually best to research as many different positive, neutral, or negative sides to any story or asset class like real estate. You’re more likely to survive any economic downturn if you make precautionary plans and keep your eyes wide open for new opportunities that few others around you can see at the time.

Denial is usually the most common first reaction when presented with dissenting opinions or scary topics, especially if you work or invest in the real estate or financial sectors. Yet, you must thoroughly analyze all sides, question everything (especially your own perspectives), and focus on the potential opportunities or solutions.

The harder we fall, the higher we bounce back, hopefully. If the Federal Reserve does a massive pivot and starts cutting rates again and increasing their Quantitative Easing strategies with more asset purchases (stocks, bonds, and mortgages) to boost the economy again, the market may do another positive market swing skyward. Only time will tell, so get your popcorn ready!

Rick Tobin

Rick Tobin has worked in the real estate, financial, investment, and writing fields for the past 30+ years. He’s held eight (8) different real estate, securities, and mortgage brokerage licenses to date and is a graduate of the University of Southern California. He provides creative residential and commercial mortgage solutions for clients across the nation. He’s also written college textbooks and real estate licensing courses in most states for the two largest real estate publishers in the nation; the oldest real estate school in California; and the first online real estate school in California. Please visit his website at Realloans.com for financing options and his new investment group at So-Cal Real Estate Investors for more details. 

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